
Çağrı seeks a performance art practice grounded in sonic arts and improvised music. He combines audiovisual programming and artificial intelligence techniques with biological sensors, handmade electronics, stage props, and visual elements emphasizing the human and virtual embodiments. His solo performance pieces include:


RAW (2019 - )

The following excerpt is from the performance, which was live-streamed in Istanbul, Turkey, as part of an exhibition called Flux, organized through the collaboration of Marina Abramovic, the Marina Abramovic Institute (MAI), and Sakıp Sabancı Museum (SSM).



data-jockeying (2019 - )


embodead (2015 - )  

Made up of the words "embodiment" and "death," embodead is a performance persona that emphasizes the death of the old-fashioned purity of the human body. Embodead seeks to embody a recurring manifesto of foreigner-ness, poetry, and machinery in traditional arts, going after unexpected linguistic associations.




bleed ears, not animals! (2015)

As the name suggests, BENA seeks the resurrection of Marinetti's "orchestra of the great battle," but this time armed with handmade noise boxes and feedback circuits against the speciesist human modernity.




an irregular blog of raw, solo improvisations (2014 - )